
updated Nov 21, 2000

the pabber family of "Exchange-No-More" utilities is an attempt to replace Microsoft Exchange on my desktop with Pine and other Linux utilities, without sacrificing all of the features of Exchange in the process.

One of the features of Exchange that I like is called the Global Address List (GAL), a listing of all the users on the mail system. This list can be accessed via LDAP, a standard protocol. Using Perl::LDAP, I am developing pabber to do several things:

The name "pabber" comes from this last ability: in Exchange, the user has a Personal Address Book (PAB) into which he can add names from the GAL as well as names from scratch (for Internet addresses and such).

You can download the latest pabber here (pabber.tar.gz). version 1.11, posted 11/21/2000

Hey, why not join the pabber-devel mailing list? Discuss pabber's features, bugs and future enhancements. I really need input from people on pabber's operation with other Exchange servers and other mail clients.

If you would like to contribute to pabber, or would like to track the details of the project, the project page at Sourceforge is located at

I can be contacted at

Other stuff I've written can be seen at my programming page.

pabber is hosted at --- Thanks guys!